How a HAZOP analysis is prepared?
The analysis is conducted on the basis of PN-IEC 61882:2005 Standard – Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP studies). It is performed on the basis of the so-called keyword system, which are the sources of potential threats. In order to correctly perform the analysis, the installation is divided into test nodes, i.e. process units or unit operations having specific functions. Each of these nodes is another stage of the analysis.
Steps of HAZOP analysis:
The basis of the analysis is the gathering of information and materials about the installation: descriptions, P&ID schemes, etc. Then, a group of experts should be organised to form the analysis team. Records should be kept during the analysis.
Installations must be divided into research nodes. Possible deviations are created by combining a keyword with a parameter. A deviation that has been defined and can realistically occur starts the analysis by establishing the effects it can have and identifying the safeguards used or designed for it. Importantly, for each deviation, the frequency of occurrence of the hazard, the categories of potential effects and the resulting level of risk must be estimated.
The analysis continues for subsequent slogans or keywords and subsequent nodes of the installation. The recording itself must be done on a worksheet, which constitutes the documentation of the analysis and an annex to the final report. The conclusions of the final report may be a premise for introducing additional protective measures or for making changes in the technological design of the installation.